How to know if your email has been sold to third parties

There is no doubt that e-mail is among the most widely used services on the Internet, and there are billions of messages exchanged daily in this service, but sometimes you may receive a series of unsolicited messages to your mail, and surprised how to get your address. It's simple, my friend, that your email has been sold to third parties.

 have i been sold,email sold

 You've probably received an unwanted email in the past, and you may have wondered how the sender of the message got your email address. There are many possibilities, but the most common is that some companies sell your data to intermediaries so they can fill your email box with a bunch of marketing or spam messages.

 have i been sold,email been sold

If you want to see if your email has been sold to third parties, do a simple search for it via a site called "Have I Been Sold". A site inspired by the I Have Been Pwned portal, this site works similarly: Type or paste an email address into the search engine and click on the blue button that says: Was it sold? To see if the e-mail is present in any of the service databases.

If the e-mail entered in the database did not appear, was it sold? , You can make the service notify you if future email appears in a list. Otherwise, you can inform the company that sold the data. Interesting details you might care about are that the site lists some steps to prevent your email addresses from being sold: Use custom email domains; create an alternate and unique email for any new service you sign up with, etc.

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