Norse-corp, Flaghtradar24, Great websites you must visit it everyday

When most people think of the Internet, the first thing that comes to mind is 'YouTube, Facebook and Twitter'. But even though most of us do not visit a few websites, the Internet has more uses. Here are two websites you have to visit it


# 1: norse-corp


Have you ever asked yourself about the number of attacks on the Internet every day not only every day but every second. A gull is an insurance company that targets the size of attacks on the Internet and gives you many details about them. The wonderful is a map of the attacks that are taking place now, and it shows the origin of the attack and where it was directed.

# 2: FlightRadar24


Thousands of airplanes are currently moving around the world but you can now see them on your screen. You can see all the flying planes flying directly through this site. In addition, you can click on any of these yellow planes and will keep track of all flight information, flight type, speed, departure and return times, etc. It is wonderful and very helpful if you need to receive someone at the airport.

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