A Samsung patent filed with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) suggests that the Korean manufacturer is looking for new ways to produce auto-stereoscopic displays - often referred to as "holographic" language abuse - offering better definition and drastically reducing their consumption energy.
Samsung wants to improve holographic displays in quality and energy consumption
The trick of this method is essentially software: it involves tracking the position and movement of the user's eyes in the space to generate unique (and dynamic) view angle on the screen. Concretely, the auto-stereoscopic screen will only have to generate an angle of view adapted to the position of the user's eyes, instead of trying to generate a complete view of the object or the scene.
Thus the device can generate for each eye an image of higher definition, while greatly simplifying the calculation of the rendering. Of course there is still a big drawback: the 3D effect will only be visible to a single observer. But the problem is not necessarily one on smartphone screens, or in virtual reality headsets that could also take advantage of this technology to create a more relaxing 3D effect for the eyes.
In addition, as pointed out by Android Headlines, this essentially software-based technology could work on auto-steroscopic screens already on the market, such as that of, for example, Red Hydrogen One. For now, it's impossible to know if Samsung will actually use its patent to launch its own holographic smartphone.