The most common programming languages as GitHub platform report results

A popular platform for GitHub developers released a report for 2018. Analyzes activity indicators of GitHub participants: the number of active participants, the most popular topics and platforms, the fastest growing repositories, the most popular programming languages in the community. This data from September 30 last year to September 30 this year.
programming languages,GitHub platform
In 2018, the GitHub community grew by about 8 million people. In total, more than 31 million developers are currently on the platform, and 80% of them are not resident in the United States. About 2.1 million organizations are now using the GitHub development platform. As of September 30 this year, about 96 million warehouses have been hosted in.

The most popular open source projects are Microsoft / vscode, facebook / react-native and tensorflow / tensorflow. Microsoft is the most active open source company, followed by Google and Red Hat.

In the order of the most common programming languages in terms of number of shareholders, the first three have not changed compared to last year, however, Python and PHP changed their rankings:
 The platform also led to the ranking of languages that are gaining popularity (by number of contributors):
According to a report last year, the most common programming languages in the community were JavaScript, Python, and Java.

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