Many specialized technical sites have indicated that the trial version of Windows 10 will contain a new feature that will store about 7 gigabytes of storage space in the computer in order to function optimally. Its function will be to ensure that the vital processes of Windows 10 are automated.

This experimental feature came to complete the update process correctly, especially when there was not enough space that was causing an impediment to the updates.
Microsoft will be booking 7 gigabytes for all Windows 10 users starting in April, and is currently being tested on a group of users registered with Windows Insider.
This storage space to be taken by Windows 10 can be reduced as desired by the user but Microsoft has warned that it may need more than 7 GB over time.
To prevent Windows 10 from stealing this space, enter the Registry by pressing the Windows button + R and then typing "regedit"
Microsoft will be booking 7 gigabytes for all Windows 10 users starting in April, and is currently being tested on a group of users registered with Windows Insider.
This storage space to be taken by Windows 10 can be reduced as desired by the user but Microsoft has warned that it may need more than 7 GB over time.
To prevent Windows 10 from stealing this space, enter the Registry by pressing the Windows button + R and then typing "regedit"

Go to the next section by typing this address directly into the top bar:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ ReserveManager
Once you reach this path, we'll see a value called "ShippedWithReserves". Click on it and change its value from "1" to "0".
Once you reach this path, we'll see a value called "ShippedWithReserves". Click on it and change its value from "1" to "0".

After changing this value, we restart our computer, and when it starts again we can see how the space booked by Windows 10 has become free again. We can also check that by going to Configuration> System> Storage and you'll see how the reserved space for Windows 10 no longer occupies our hard drive