Browse the Internet at fantastic speed with massive data savings if you have limited Internet access

Most people suffer from the weakness of the Internet speed, which is often due to the weakness of the services provided by some of the communication companies especially in the Arab countries. This prevents you from experiencing the ideal browsing experience of the web, such as watching high quality videos, for example downloading large programs and movies quickly, You need a high yield, enjoy playing professional games online and other things that only the fast Internet enables us to do, so in today's blog entries for information we will share a very effective way based on the use of one of the additions to your browser

 Browse the Internet at fantastic speed with massive data savings if you have limited Internet access

 The latter speeds up browsing and saving data tremendously not by speeding up your Internet because this is definitely impossible and only the company that provides you with the Internet is able to do it. This add-on modifies the source code for any web page you wish to visit and blocks some The important things that drain the high and therefore the balance of the Internet is larger as some scripts jquery or bootstarp, which is not necessary as they perform very minor tasks as an aesthetic on the site, for example, and then compress images and convert them into the web format known as low volume and quality, Video size and any flash file Such as games, for example, while maintaining the same quality and many other things that contribute in the end to reduce the volume of the necessary loading of the page. After doing all this and modifying the code completely, the adder gives the modified code to your browser, which reads and displays the web page very quickly and in a way that provides your data if you use the limited Internet as mentioned earlier.

In order not to linger on you much, just install the add-on for your browser using one of the links below and you will have successfully completed the task.
Chrome: data saver
Firefox: Save-data
Opera: Turbo Button
After loading you should notice a tag like this next to the top search bar, make sure it is activated in case it appears off

                          Browse the Internet at fantastic speed with massive data savings if you have limited Internet access

If you use another browser, just put its name in the comments and we will give you its own effective add-on.

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