In this sense, we offer 4 websites you should visit if you are looking to learn anything.

This web site is very interesting, as its mission is to find all the resources related to the field you wish to learn and generate a course or learning plan to get all the necessary information. Sometimes we do not always take the best way to learn which causes us to waste time. Lear-Anything comes to help us with this task, by creating a clear and coherent way to learn.

Is another excellent tool through which we can find many resources to see which specialty you want to learn. Its main task is to create a feed with all materials available for a particular subject, and in this way we will have at our disposal the best resources for our learning process. The portal is responsible for addressing the best content that can be provided for your learning.

We all know these wonderful platforms like Coursera or Udemy which contain a huge gallery of materials to learn different subjects. Just like them, there are other platforms that would be exhausting to look at each one to get what we want. In this sense, Courseroot is a web page that links all the contents of these platforms through its search engine. In this way, you can find everything you want to learn in all these platforms in one place.

Is a platform aimed at developers, which includes a huge knowledge base where the professionals and amateurs and beginners in particular the opportunity to learn a lot about the programming world and its languages. The portal contains an exploration tool where resources can be found according to your area of interest.