SyntaxDB: Powerful search engine for programmers

Searching for something on Google is the most common thing. This engine provides millions of results in less than a second. Almost everyone from any career uses Google search engine to learn things and access the information they are looking for. Unlike most programmers, they also rely on Google's search engine when they search for a solution to any software problem or just to learn how to write commands in a particular programming language.
But many programmers feel that Google is not the ideal search engine to look for something about programming. Due to Google's ability to display millions of results, this may cause confusion when the programmer has to check every result in order to reach the solution he is looking for. So, to help programmers to get to the result they are looking for accurately there are some special engines including the engine "syntaxdb".
syntaxDB,enter a concept or a language
SuntaxDB is a search engine similar to Google but it is only for programmers. This engine gives you information about programming languages such as syntax and commands in these languages, as well as some of these programming terms.
SyntaxBot for slack,syntaxbot
 Of course, this engine aims to become the fastest reference programming in the world. It currently supports 9 programming languages including Java, C, C ++, C #, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, Swift, Go

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