A website contains the most important 125 tools in cyber security

It is known to all interested in the hacking test and information security that there are stages of this process so that at each stage the use of tools or even the use of manual methods to reach the goal or objectives to test penetration of this stage.

A website contains the most important 125 software and tool in cyber security,sectools

Of course, there are many programs and tools to help you in this process, such as tools to collect information about the target to be tested for penetration of IP addresses, sub-domains and email addresses, phone numbers , names ... .etc) and other things, so that this information is used in the hacking process such as phishing, social engineering and other attacks.

Ports & Services Scanning Tools: These tools are used to collect information about the ports on the target to be tested and the status of the ports (opened, closed, filterd, etc ...) in addition to knowing the services associated with these ports and Versions of these services and other information such as the type of operating system and its release.

Packet Analyzers / Sniffers: These tools are used to analyze and intercept packets that are transmitted over networks to analyze whether they contain important data that can be obtained (such as data) Login and more)

As well as Vulnerability Scanners: These tools are used to examine Web applications, systems, and networks of security vulnerabilities that may exist because of software vulnerability in these applications or programs and services, so that these tools give us reports summarizing what was found And obtain it in the examination process.

A website contains the most important 125 software and tool in cyber security,sectools

There are many different tools and programs, but to find out about them and a brief explanation of each tool, I present you today with this site, which is considered as a reference for such tools.The site is called "sectools.org." This site contains the 125 most important software and information security tools.

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