Apex Legends will be released on smartphone

Apex Legends will land on mobile, Electronics Electronics says. Like Fortnite and PUBG, the Battle Royale will no longer be exclusive to the PC and consoles. An opportunity to revive the game, which slows down sharply after hard carding at its launch.

 apex legends mobile

 Electronics Arts announced when it released its results for the last quarter that it intended to carry Apex Legends on mobile. Already available on PC, PS4 and Xbox One, the Battle Royale developed by the studio Respawn Entertainement will join Fortnite and PUBG on this platform, said Blake Jorgenson, administrative and financial director of EA.

Apex Legends soon on Android and iOS, but in what form?

He did not share any additional details on this project, reports TechRadar. We can reasonably think that the title will be available on Android and iOS, remains to know in what form. The arrival of Apex Legends on mobile was already mentioned at the end of the game, but we do not know the development of such versions has already started or not. Epic Games had achieved a small feat by transposing Fortnite on smartphone and tablet and succeed in making a game almost similar to what it is on other media. It is also possible to play crossplay on Fortnite.

Not sure, though, that Apex's mobile adaptation is the same. Respawn and EA have already shown us that they do not intend to copy Fortnite on all points: we see it with the pace of updates and the Battle Pass system in particular. Regarding the economic model, there should not be many differences with what already exists.

This could help revive the hype around the game, which started very strong but which is also very quickly down. On Twitch, Apex Legends is nowhere near the Fortnite and League of Legends leaders, even though it was able to compete with them for a while. To develop, the BR should also try to conquer other markets: Blake Jorgenson mentioned an upcoming launch for China and South Korea.

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