For one reason or another, you may someday need a US phone number to work either to create accounts with American citizenship, since the latter is more valuable than the accounts that are established in other nationalities, and thus avoid the sudden closure of your accounts. For example, you can easily search for some American friends and add them to social networking sites, and then ask for their phone numbers to be used in the confirmation process, but often this solution does not help because Many of the People who fear that you will do something that affects their privacy and will refuse your request.
But don't worry, we are in the virtual world era, where hundreds of thousands of virtual objects are designed, such as phantom bank cards, phantom networks, and phantom phone numbers that you can simply use like any real phone number to access messages and confirm your accounts over the Internet. In order not to linger on you so much, you can simply get a fake American phone number whenever you want. With this unique platform that does not need any explanation, just sign up with your e-mail through the link and the activation link will be sent to you. It will take you to the site where you can choose the country of America or Canada and you will see phone numbers