Do you have to turn off your phone at least once every day? What will benefit you?

The phone is one of the most used devices in the world, yet there are many myths revolving around smart phones. Some of them come with questions such as: How many times should I charge the battery? But one of the most common questions is: How often should I turn off the phone a week and should I turn it off every day? , Is it bad if I do not turn it off? Does this damage the battery if I never turn the device off? Well, here we'll talk a bit about this situation.

Do you have to turn off your phone at least once every day? What will benefit you?

Let's first begin to understand that the phone is a device, and each machine has certain periods of respite, but there are devices that can run longer without rest than others. In the case of a phone, it is a device that we can call a complex, where certain components work well when you stop working for a period of time.
 To understand this point there are many phone problems that are solved with the phone restarting or off, or by turning it off for a few minutes, as excessive heat affects its functioning and causes high RAM consumption and high processor demand in some tasks.
Sometimes when your smartphone starts to get cramped or weak, we recommend restarting it, and the result is that when we turn it on again, it works much better because it has completed many open operations.
In short, it is recommended to turn off the phone or restart it from time to time. This does not mean that you have to do this every day, not even after two or three days, but it is good to do this from time to time, although I usually do In my case once a day at night.
Another important point to know is that turning off or restarting the phone daily, weekly or monthly will not generally make the battery, processor or phone last longer, but it improves certain operations under different conditions.

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