Galaxy X: a new phone from Samsung retractable entirely!
In the past few months, several reports have spread to major companies screens produced folding, but has yet to receive any notice of the full product found in the global market due to several technical problems, but the giant Samsung has crashed this barrier next year.Declared all of my Galaxyclub and Sammobile for a new patent to Samsung in the field of screens folding recording, these reliable sources confirmed that Samsung is working on the production of copies of phones collapsible fully using the new technology, and may be ready by next year.
In a comment to a close sites for Samsung, the company fears that the lack of a global market for these phones, so it will first launch of limited quantities of electronic panels folding the same technique to collect the necessary data and possible defects intentionally develop existing models is mobile folding and then released to the market in Incremental to avoid any possible losses.
It is expected to be announced Galaxy X phone (ie anonymous) next year's conference "Mobile World", Spain.